Spirometru ST 150
Spirometru ST 150
Distribuitor de produse si aparatura medicala
Specificatii tehnice
In configuratia standard, SPIROANALYZER ST-150 ofera urmatoarele facilitati:
1. - senzor piezoelectric, flow sensor tip Fleisch Pneumotach, incorporat in
aparat (superior variantelor cu turbina)
- Nou :sensor cu reglare termica si corectie BTPS
2. - afisaj grafic (grafice respiratorii) cu cristale lichide tip LCD :
rezolutie 128 x 128 puncte. Pe ecranul LCD grafic incorporat sunt afisate
urmatoarele date: - datele ID de pacient (varsta, greutate, inaltime etc.)
- valorile masurate
- curbele volum/timp(VC), debit/volum(FVC), ventilatie medie (MVV)
- valori predictive
- interpretare clinica
3. - program de interpretare, diagnostic : ITS, ELLIS, DIAGNOSIS, ERS
- Nou : * GOLD –Global Obstructive Lung Disease
* Bronchial Challenge Dosage standard templates (pentru Methacholine, Histamine, Antigen)
4. - program de predictie :
ITS, ECCS82, Knudson, Morris/Polgar, SPAIN, AUSTRIA, JAPAN
5. - afisarea pe ecran a formelor de unda si a parametrilor analizei efectuate.
Se vizualizeaza formele de unda curente si se poate urmarii intreg raportul
analizei (grafice si parametrii) urmand a fi imprimat sau memorat in memoria
proprie. Ulterior raportul analizei se poate transfera in baza de date de pe PC
6. - analiza completa PRE si POST bronhodilatare si test de provocare bronsica tip Bronchial Challange
- Nou : corectie BTPS
7. - teste tip: VC, FVC, MVV cu seturi de masuratori aferente
8. - memorie interna pentru 150 de analize (analizele pot fi transferate ulterior in
baza de date pe PC in vederea urmaririi evolutiei in timp a starii pacientului)
9. - program FS/PC de conectare optionala la un calculator compatibil IBM-PC si realizarea unei baze de date pe calculator (inclus in configuratia de baza)
10. - carcasa pt. filtru de expectoratii : carcasa permite utilizarea filtrelor de unica folosinta. Pentru ca filtrele sa nu inflienteze debitul de aer, sectiunea carcasei, deci si a filtrului este mult marita - aprox de 10 ori - fata de sectiunea piesei bucale.
11. - imprimanta cap termic incorporata, imprimare pe hartie tip rola 57mm x 25m
- Nou :imprimare la o imprimanta externa
12. - portabil
13. - alimentare : acumulator sau 220V
VC related
VC; ERV; IRV; IC; TV; Resting Respiration (t, e; t, i; f; VE; t, tot; TV/t, i; t, i/t, tot); &, with FRC externally acquired measurement computing for RV & TLC.
FVC; FEV0.5; FEV1.0; FEV1%-G; FEV1%-T; FEV3.0; FEV3%-G; FEV3%; MMEF; Extime; Vext; FIVC; FIV0.5; FIV1.0; FIV1/FVC; FIV1/FIVC; PEF; MEF75% (FEF25%); MEF50%(FEF50%); MEF25%(FEF75%); PIF; &, MIF50.
MVV; RR; &, TV.
Heated Fleisch-pneumotach flow meter
Measuring Method
Flow Integration.
Measurement Ranges
Flow: 0 to 14 liters/second, Volume: 0 to 10 liters
Flow: Within ± 5% of indication or ± 0.2 l/sec, whichever is greater;
Volume: Within ± 3% of indication or ± 50 ml, whichever is greater.
Memory Storage
145 patient data including the best trial waveform.
Measurement Modes
VC (Slow Vital Capacity); FVC (Forced Vital Capacity; MVV (Maximinal Voluntary Ventilation); Pre/Post Measurement (Bronchodilation) Testing; &, Bronchial Challenge (Provocation) Testing.
Test Duration
VC: 90 seconds (waiting time); 60 seconds (capture time) x 3.
FVC: 90 seconds (waiting time); 30 seconds (capture time) x 3 test.
MVV: 90 seconds (waiting time); 12 seconds (capture time) x 2 tests.
Post Measurement (Bronchodilation)
Same as Baseline Test Duration Times.
Bronchial Challenge
Same as FVC Baseline Test duration Time.
Saline Inhalation: one (1) entry.
DOSE and Dilator Inhalations: limited to eighteen (18) entries total.
BC Dosage Templates
Standard protocols for Methacholine, Histamine & Antigen Pollutants. (Standard protocols may be modified at the user’s option).
Predicted Equations
ITS; ITS (NIOSH/OSHA); Knudson (83); Morris/Polgar; ECCS; Spain; Japan; Norway; Chile; Austria; &, Finland.
ITS; Ellis; Diagnosis; &, GOLD (Global Obstructive Lung Disease).
English, German, French, Italian & Spanish.
Screen Size: 16 characters x 16 lines (text); 128 x 128 pixels (graphics).
Internal Printer :
Thermal graphic printer with a printing width of 48mm.
Keys :
Membrane-type containing the digits 0 - 9, an enter key, a clear key, alphanumeric key entry & direct setting functional keys.
Serial Port
1 port (RS-232, 9600 bps) dedicated for the data upload to a waiting PC running the optionally available FS/PC.
External Printer Port :
SPP-compatible port for a user-supplied external printer.
(Consult your local distributor for the adaptable printer models)
Power Source :
AC Power Source; 100 ~ 240 VAC, single-phase. Consumption 35 VA.
Spatial Dimensions
Main Unit (spatial): 250.0 (L) x 250.0 (W) 80.5 (H) mm
Rear Handle (spatial); 43.5 (L) x 250.0 (W) mm
Sensor Holder with Sensor: 250.0 (L) x 74.0 (W) x 119.5 (H) mm.
Main Unit: 1.60 Kilograms (approx.);
Flow Sensor: 0.45 Kilograms (approx.)
Spirometru portabil ST 150
producator : FUKUDA SANGYO-Japonia